July 15, 2024

Executive Director - U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance

Job Title: Executive Director
Hours: Full time
Salary Range: $115,000-130,000 annually
Location: Remote/Telecommute

The U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance (USAPA), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization translating alcohol policy research into public health practice, is seeking a seasoned, entrepreneurial executive director to continue building USAPA’s presence in state and federal alcohol policy efforts. The Executive Director of USAPA will serve as the visionary leader driving the organization towards unprecedented growth and impact. Tasked with galvanizing stakeholders, igniting a shared policy movement, and steering the organization through strategic innovation, the Executive Director will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of alcohol policy in the United States.

The Executive Director will:

  • Champion a bold and inspiring vision for USAPA's role in transforming alcohol policy in the United States, leveraging innovative strategies and partnerships to achieve ambitious goals.
  • Lead efforts to expand USAPA's reach and impact by mobilizing diverse stakeholders, including public health advocates, community organizations, policymakers, and affected communities, around a common agenda for evidence-based alcohol policies.
  • Cultivate strategic partnerships with philanthropic organizations, government agencies, corporate sponsors, and other stakeholders to secure funding, resources, and support for USAPA's initiatives.

Additionally, the Executive Director will be responsible for implementing USAPA’s Strategic Plan, which  includes: 

  • Designing and managing an annual budget of $200,000-350,000.
  • Building a successful fundraising program with multiple revenue streams.
  • Building a relationship with and meaningfully engage USAPA’s Scientific Advisory Board
  • Strengthening and expanding the existing network of 15 state-based alcohol policy alliances.
  • Developing and implementing a communications strategy which systematically changes the narrative  about alcohol in the U.S. 
  • Building a grassroots network of individuals impacted by alcohol to serve as an effective advocacy movement.
  • Networking and coordinating partnerships with national and international organizations, foundations and individuals.
  • Developing and disseminating position papers and action statements.

Qualified applicants should have the following competencies:

  • Proven track record of visionary leadership and strategic growth in the nonprofit, public health, or  advocacy sector, with a minimum of 10 years of senior leadership experience. 
  • Demonstrated expertise in building and leading coalitions or movements, mobilizing diverse  stakeholders around a shared vision or cause. 
  • Basic understanding of alcohol policy issues, public health principles, and advocacy strategies, with a  commitment to evidence-based approaches and health equity.
  • Strong entrepreneurial mindset, with the ability to identify opportunities, innovate solutions, and drive  organizational growth and sustainability. 
  • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to articulate a compelling vision, build consensus, and  inspire action among diverse audiences. 
  • A demonstrated ability to recruit, work closely with and support an active and engaged Board of  Directors. 
  • A willingness to speak truth to power. 

USAPA was founded in 2014 by a group of dedicated alcohol policy advocates and researchers. Over the past  10 years, the Alliance has hosted three national Alcohol Policy conferences, convened multiple interactive  dialogues on the most pressing alcohol issues facing our country, contributed to an Amicus Brief to the U.S.  Supreme Court, hosted an Alcohol and Cancer Control Symposium, and been featured in countless news  stories and peer-reviewed articles. 

As the national voice on alcohol policy, the Alliance is leading the fight to change America’s relationship with  alcohol by translating alcohol policy research into public health practice. USAPA’s mission is to implement  public health practices that at least reduce and prevent alcohol-related harm. Its vision is a nation free from  alcohol-related disease, death, and injury. The Alliance seeks to change the narrative about alcohol, define an  actionable agenda for policy making on all levels, and build a movement driven by the truth that alcohol  harms. 

The Executive Director will report to the Executive Committee of the USAPA Board of Directors. To apply, please email boardchair@alcoholpolicy.org with a cover letter and resume or CV. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.